How To Infinite Zoom On Photos On iPhone Or iPad

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Most of us are impressed by the stable and clean design of iOS and its features. Apart from that, iOS offers a lot of nifty and hidden features that are left unexplored by even tech-savvy users. One such feature is infinite zoom on iPhone photos. You might have observed that the pictures or screenshots taken on your iPhone can be zoomed in till a particular point. This can be irritating at times when you wish to zoom in a little bit more than what the iOS allows. For the exact same reason, here is a smart and secret hack that will enable unlimited zoom on photos on your iPhone or iPad.

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Enable Unlimited Zoom On iPhone Photos

Turning on infinite zoom on iPhone photos is quite simple and easy to do. Just follow the steps provided below to do that.

1. Launch the Photos app on your iOS device.

2. Now open the photo for which you wish to get the unlimited zoom.

3. After that, tap on the Edit option available at the top right of the screen.

edit photo on iPhone

4. Now, tap on the Crop icon to the right of the Cancel option at the bottom of the image.

crop icon

5. In the next step, rotate the photo a little bit and then bring it to its original place.

rotate image

6. Finally, tap on the Done option.

This will do the trick! Now, try zooming into that photo which you just edited above.

infinite iphone photo zoom enabled

Woah! Now you will be able to zoom in infinitely without any limit. However, zooming in too much also doesn’t make much sense but with this, you will be able to zoom in a little bit more than the default limit set by iOS.

Similarly, you can rotate other desired photos and unlock unlimited zoom for them too.

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Other Photo And Camera Tricks On iOS

iOS devices are always so much fun to explore. Other than the unlimited iPhone photo zooming trick, there are various other tricks that you can perform on your iOS device using your camera and Photos app. There might be a chance that you haven’t explored these tricks yet, so here is the list of some of them.

1. Measuring Objects: If you don’t have access to tapes and other measuring equipment but need to measure some object, your iPhone can help you in that case. Using the Measure app, you can measure any object easily.

measure objects

2. Document Scanner: Using your iPhone you can easily scan any document and keep them safe in your photo library. For that, you need to launch the Notes app on your device. Then tap on + icon and select Scan Documents.

scan documents

3. Magnifier: Yes, it’s correct, your iPhone camera can also act as a magnifying glass. Just turn on the Magnifier option under the Accessibility, and it’s done. Now all you need to do is a triple tap on the home button to launch the magnifier.

magnifier tool

4. Search In Photos: Do you find it difficult to locate photos in your library? If yes, then this one is for you. Using the search option in the photos, you can locate any photo by just giving your iPhone a hint about that photo. For example, if your photo has a watch in it, just type watch in the search box, and all the photos related to it will appear.

image search

5. 3D Touch Camera: Now this one is a bit like a shortcut button. If you press the camera button hard (3D Touch – a bit different than long-pressing and is available on iPhone 6S and later) on your iOS device, it will open up the options like Take Selfie and Record Video. This trick is quite interesting because it is really known by less number of people.

3d Touch Camera Shortcuts

iOS devices really amaze us sometimes. However, using these tricks you can impress anyone around you.

Here a few more handpicked iPhone tricks for you.

Final Thoughts

We hope that you found the iPhone photo zoom trick on the iOS device quite amazing. Other than that we hope that you found the other tricks useful too. If that’s the case then please share it on your favorite social media platform with your friends. Also, if you got another hidden iPhone trick, please share it with everyone in the comments below.

About The Author

  • Hemant Mendiratta

    Hemant Mendiratta is a co-founder of TechUntold and a passionate tech blogger, avid gamer, and social media guru who keenly monitors useful apps and gadgets. He is the ideator of our Instagram tool StoryHoot which allows watching Instagram stories anonymously. You can connect with him on: Facebook, Twitter.

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Hemant Mendiratta

Hemant Mendiratta is a co-founder of TechUntold and a passionate tech blogger, avid gamer, and social media guru who keenly monitors useful apps and gadgets. He is the ideator of our Instagram tool StoryHoot which allows watching Instagram stories anonymously. You can connect with him on: Facebook, Twitter.

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