Google Sheets is one of the best office tools provided by Google. Here you can create various sheets and charts, share them among your friends, colleagues and even save them on your system in various formats. It is just like Microsoft Excel, but Google Sheets allows multiple users to use and edit the sheets at once. Now we came across a query stating ‘can you import CSV to Google Sheets?’ Well, you can but it can be a little tricky. Not only this but, you can also add images to any particular cells of the spreadsheets. Don’t worry, we are here to help you with that.
What All Can Google Sheets Do?
Not only for office work, but it can also even be used by students. You can create spreadsheets using templates for various tasks like to-do lists, annual budget, calendars, schedules, make plans, create invoices, time sheets, attendance charts, and many others. You can say it is all in one tool for managing your work among your team or group more reliably.
So let’s check out the steps to open CSV format files in Google Sheets.
Import CSV To Google Sheets
You can use two methods and both of them are similar whether you use the desktop application or the web browsers. One is with the saved CSV files on your system and another with the help of any URL for CSV file. Let’s see how.
Using CSV Files
1. Open Google Sheets and then click on File from the toolbar menu and select Import…
2. This will open the Import File window. Here go to the Upload tab.
Now select the CSV file from your computer that you wish to import. Or you can simply drag and drop the required files to this window.
If you wish you can also select the option to open CSV files and edit it or just as read-only. This can be done while selecting the files from your system. Click on the drop-down icon next to Open and select accordingly.
3. As the upload is finished, you will see various options, here keep everything as it is or if you wish to select any other option which depends on you. Then click on the Import data button.
It will show you a message File imported successfully as soon as it is completed. To see the spreadsheet and the imported data, select Open Now link beside the File imported successfully option. That’s it.
Using The CSV URL
If you have any URL for online CSV files, then you can also use it to import the data with the help of a formula. Open Google Sheets, then on the first column of a new spreadsheet write =importData(“CSV URL”).
Like for example =importData(“”). As soon as you paste the URL Google Sheets will load all the data and then show it to you in the spreadsheet.
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Export/Save CSV File From Google Sheet
Now if you wish to export or save any spreadsheet from the Google Sheets in CSV format so that it can be easy to share or use, then you can easily do that. Again go to Files and from there point the cursor on Download as.
Then you will see various downloading format options, select Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet). As you select it the file will start to download. You can also save the spreadsheets in other doc formats like .xlsx, .ods, .html and .tsv. This way you can easily create CSV file using Google Sheets.
Import Images To Google Sheet Cells
You can also add images to any particular cell of Google Sheets using a formula. Normally the images are added above the spreadsheet cells using the Insert image option, but using this method you can add images directly into the cell using an image URL. The method is similar to adding the CSV file Using URL.
Open Google Sheets, and then at click on any cell, then type =image(“Image URL”) For example =image(“”) and hit enter.
You will then see the image inside the cell and you can do it in any of the cells you wish to.
The image will be inserted in a default small size, but if you wish to you can also use the given formula to change the size of an image or make any custom size. There are 4 options for changing the size of an image.
- 1 – the default mode where the image is inserted into the cell as we already did above.
- 2 – in this the image is stretched to fit inside the cells completely. For this click on the image and at the end of URL type 2 separated by a comma. For e.g. =image(“Image URL”, 2)
- 3 – Insert the image in the original size. For this, similarly on image formula write =image(“Image URL”, 3)
- 4 – You can also add a custom size to the image. Again click on the inserted image and then add the numbers like in the given formula i.e. =image(“Image URL”, 4, height, width).
Here in the formulas after the URL the first number denotes the mode of the image. To add a custom size to the image you will have to use the 4th mode.
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So these were the steps required to upload or import the CSV and all the data from it to Google Sheets and then use it as spreadsheets. Or save the Google Sheets spreadsheet data as CSV or other file formats. And even add images to the cell of Google Sheets with the help of URL and a formula. It is simple and you will learn it in no time. Still facing any problems? Let us know in the comments section below.