Twitter Logo Bird Name, Meaning, And The History

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Everyone has seen the online social networking giant, Twitter’s logo, it’s a bird. And that bird itself makes Twitter identifiable. And do you know that Twitter’s Logo bird also has a name? Yes, the secret of Twitter’s Logo name came into the picture in August 2011 when Twitter co-founder Biz Stone was asked about it by the Boston’s Celtic’s director of interactive media, Peter Stringer.

Other than that, the logo of Twitter has changed over three times since it was first launched in 2006. Every logo or name of a big brand does have a history and a meaning behind it. So, one may think that how exactly the founders of Twitter came up with this logo. And that is what we are going to answer in this article, by sharing the brief history behind Twitter’s Logo and Twitter bird name.

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Twitter Logo History And Bird Name

Before Official Launch

twitter very first logo

In 2006, when Twitter was still in development, it was spelled as “twttr“. And the very first logo was created by its co-founder Noah Glass. The logo was was completely different from the logo which we see today. It was green in color with a white background, and to be honest, it might not have been their best work.

Twitter Logo - First

The founders realized that things need to be updated. So before the official launch, “twttr” was rebranded as “Twitter” with an updated logo. The logo was designed by Linda Gavin, and she was given a day or a two to make the logo. And out of the 20 samples created by her, Glass decided to go with the quite simple one, which just spelled the company’s name in blue color with a white background. The first logo was eventually loved by people and lasted from July 15, 2006, to September 14, 2010.

The Second Logo Was Named After Larry Bird

Twitter Logo Bird name

On September 14, 2010, Twitter came up with a brand new logo and introduced “Larry the Bird” to the world. The new logo spelled “twitter” in the black color with the blue Twitter bird, thus maintaining the sky blue color in their logo. Also, the name of the bird in the second logo was “Larry the Bird.” And no! it wasn’t named after Larry Page, the founder of Google. In fact, Twitter logo was actually named after the former NBA Basketball player, Larry Bird. Apparently, Twitter’s co-founder, Biz Stone, was a big fan of Larry Bird who led Boston Celtics to two NBA Championship.

The new logo also worked pretty well and “Larry the Bird” started becoming the symbol to represent the Brand. And that is why the second logo lasted till June 25, 2012.

Twitter Logo Meaning and history

After the second logo, the bird alone started representing the identity of the Brand among millions of its users. So, the founders realized that they no longer need their name spelled out loud in their logo. So they excluded the brand name from the logo and went only with the Bird. However, the design of the bird was also updated while keeping it blue in color, but a little bit darker.

To update the design of the bird, they also made it larger in size and excluded the wing in the background to made it look much more simple. So, for the third logo, “Larry the bird” was replaced with another bird, which was simply called “Twitter Bird”. But the Twitter later confirmed that their new logo resembles the Mountain Bluebird, which explains the blue color of the bird with a white background.

Also, the bird in the second logo seems to be flying straight ahead. But in the third logo, the bird is flying in the upward direction. Maybe a bird flying upward as the logo can be the best way to represent the growing popularity of the brand.

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Wrapping Up

Twitter is a social media platform that is used by millions of people all around the world. And like every big brand, Twitter has also gone through changes over the years, including its logo. So if you ever wanted to know the reason behind this logo, this is it, you finally know it.

About The Author

  • Akshay Thapliyal

    Akshay Thapliyal is the co-founder of TechUntold and mainly looks into strategic planning at TechUntold. He also loves writing articles on apps & problems he faces related to tech. Follow him on Twitter.

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Akshay Thapliyal

Akshay Thapliyal is the co-founder of TechUntold and mainly looks into strategic planning at TechUntold. He also loves writing articles on apps & problems he faces related to tech. Follow him on Twitter.

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